Python modules and packages
“In the summertime, when the weather is hot…”
It’s time to write a note about modules and packages in Python.
A module is a python file. A package is a folder/directory on disk. Simple right?
To import a module from another module, you use import. This command will import the module from either:
- The current directory
- Somewhere in the existing PYTHONPATH
- You modify PYTHONPATH to include the folder where it is located
You can either set PYTHONPATH before executing the interpreter, or you use sys.path.append()
Assume the following:
- We create a package MySuperTools with 2 modules.
- A main application with 2 modules, using the MySuperTools package
To create your own package:
- Create a directory with the name of your package: mkdir MySuperTools
- Add the PARENT directory to the path
- import the package
- current directory is /home/peter/dev
- create a subdirectory MySuperTools: mkdir /home/peter/dev/MySuperTools
- create a file __init__.py to mark it as a package
- create your modules in this directory
- Now add /home/peter/dev to your PYTHONPATH, either by modifying the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or by calling sys.path.insert/append inside your program before importing the package
Things to look out for
If you import a single module (a file) it can be anywhere in the PYTHONPATH. If you import a package (a directory with an __init__.py file) then the PACKAGE/DIRECTORY must be in the PYTHONPATH.
Specifically, your PYTHONPATH should NOT specify the directory itself, but the place where the directory is located.